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Mark Depledge (Depp Design) is currently the 'Digital Lead' for St John's Owlerton church and is tasked with the responsibility of leading a creative team that provides St John's with excellent digital productions, from sound reinforcement, design for print, screen graphics, video, web design and maintenance to communications for social media, Mark has become a crucial part of the design, media and communications of the church. In 2021 Mark recieved a Derbyshire diocese Bishop's Badge award for digital excellence in keeping the church gathering online. Mark is now available to work on a freelance basis and happy to help on any element of design no matter how large or small your project and will work for an hourly rate of £20, plus any costs that the project incurs, such as printing, postage, web hosting etc. Please use the buttons below for a portfolio of Mark's work and feel free to contact or submit the form below.


Mark Depledge


Digital Lead

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